The product is shipped without extra costs by default with PostNL, items over 150 will be sent by registered mail. Amounts less than 150 euros are standard sent as a letterbox package, you will not receive a track and trace code. Also keep in mind that it can sometimes take longer for your letterbox package to be delivered. MK Jewelry is not liable for exceeding the stated delivery times, loss, theft or damage by mail. Orders outside the Netherlands can take longer.
The average delivery time is 3/5 working days. If an item is not in stock (in your size), we will contact you, the delivery time is no later than 3 weeks. If you want something custom made or an engraving in a jewel, the delivery time is 2 weeks or faster in consultation.
If the product you have ordered is not what you expected or the size is not right, please contact us. The order can be returned, for amounts above 150, – this must be registered, within 7 days of receipt. The costs of this return are for your own account and depend on the mail order company. Below you will find the return instructions:
Step 1: Please contact our chat service. or and clearly state what you have ordered. we will then contact you regarding the next steps.
Step 2: When you have received a return confirmation, you can package and return the items via PostNL.
Step 3 Send the articles with PostNL in the Netherlands or abroad an post office who ships internationally. You will receive the return address by e-mail when you indicate that you want to return the item. Take your return to the post office. The costs for sending by post are for your own account. Send the package above 150 euros by registered mail and keep the track & trace code for your return until you have received confirmation that your item has been returned. The order amount owed for your return shipment will be refunded to the (bank) account used when placing the order. This takes a maximum of 14 working days from the moment of return receipt.
Returns are only possible within the set return period of 7 days. The return costs that are incurred are for your own account. Both the costs and the risk of sending are for your own account with a return, so always send by registered mail. Returns will only be processed if they are returned in their original condition including packaging. Damaged and / or used items will be refused and returned.